D and I took a lovely trip to San Francisco for our birthdays a year and a few months ago (that week also happened to coincide with a conference and employment fair that unexpectedly yielded D his current job). While we were there, we rented some bikes and pedaled along the coast, ending with an exhilarating ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. I think I grinned like a small child the entire time, which is saying a lot. I'm not normally an effusively grinny person, and certainly not in the euphoric sense. People who know me would be quicker to use words like "ironic" (or, if they wanted to be blunt, "cynical" and "sarcastic") to describe my usual brand of humor. I try to keep that more in check here -- it's too easily misinterpreted no matter how many emoticons one might use to convey tone, etc. -- but in person, I fall more into the camp of those who appreciate the art of cracking wise. Though not unkindly.
All this is to say that if it's sunny tomorrow, we might get to go biking again, and I'm excited.
We've had rain nearly every day in the last week, but the sky has been dry for the last 48 hours. The locals have been complaining about the cold and the wet that have dogged this area all spring -- I don't mind it at all; I'm so spoiled to have 60-degree temps when the rest of the country is sweltering -- but it would be nice if the precipitation holds off for another day so we can have this outing.
It would also be nice if the weather would give some relief to Iowa and the rest of the Midwest! I've been keeping an eye on my home away from home, and the flood reports are dire. I've been lucky so far; my building is located on a sizable hill, so the danger of water damage isn't imminent (I called the apartment manager this morning to get a status report). Many of the city's main thoroughfares, however, are completely submerged. Whole neighborhoods have been evacuated, and it doesn't look like the water levels are going to go down until next week -- if the storms subside for a few days.
On a lighter note, D took the personality test that I tried yesterday, and it turns out that we are almost complete opposites (not surprising). He's extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging (ENTJ), which means we're a very good balance for each other. But we're also methodologically divergent when it comes to problem solving, which could suggest an increased chance for tiffs in that arena. No relationship gets to be blissful all the time -- judging by how we've done over the years, I think the balance we bring each other trumps the occasional flare-up pretty well. And we're definitely counting on that to get through next year's commute.
It has been said that the best couples are those who are either exactly the same, or exactly opposite. I'm not surprised. :)
I'm ESFJ myself :)
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