(Very tempting, though.)
I don't know what it is, but I'm just tired. Maybe I'm coming off end-of-semester deadline adrenaline and my brain has forgotten how to function without it. Or I'm running it ragged on pre-holiday stress and it's too amped up to respond to adrenaline anymore. Either way, I'm not making any progress on this recommendation I've been asked to write for a former student, and that student deserves so much better than I can produce right now. So I'm setting the paperwork aside until I don't feel like I have a haggis between my ears instead of the gray matter that's supposed to be there.
Without work, I feel a little lost. There are books I could read, movies I could watch, people I could call or e-mail, but somehow, none of these things feels right. Why is taking time for myself so hard? Or put another way, why is doing something I enjoy not enjoyable enough to make me want to do it?
I think it really is something about the holidays. Even when I'm not thinking about them, they're having their way with my subconscious, dulling my pleasure receptors, willing me to shut down. Every bit of me wants these visits with family (D's and mine) to go well, certainly better than they did last year (that's another story I might get into later, but it really requires its own post, or series of them). So D and I have been coming up with ways to help that happen. On our end, at least -- no promises about what other individuals choose to do. I think waiting to be on our way so I don't have to wonder how all that will shake out anymore is draining me.
Not quite two days left. I wish it were Thursday.
You've had such a major lifestyle change in the last few months that anyone would understand you having a bit of a slump now.Plus you've had worry about waiting for test results, meetings with the academics, thinking about relatives getting together - all this can just pull one down, mentally and physically.
I hope you get back into your usual energetic state and until then just accept you are a bit below par, don't try to force yourself to do things and relax a bit.
You've gone through a lot the past few months. Let yourself relax and do some things for you. The holidays are stressful but somewhere in there, you really need to find time for you and your hubby. Acknowledge those doldrums and know that it's okay to feel that way sometimes. And this is a normal time of year for it anyway. Get a massage, curl up in a cozy place with a good book or movie, and just escape everything for an hour or so every day!
Laughing at the image of a haggis between your ears!
FF and Sherlock -- those suggestions sound so good. And you're both right about the changes going on. It's easy to forget about the bigger picture with so many things in flux of late. Thanks for putting some perspective on it for me!
TKW -- mmm tasty, no? ;)
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