It was a small adventure, locating the clinic. The place is in an area of the city I don't normally spend much time in, so I was more than out of my element, trying to find parking, looking for the right building, attempting to understand the electronic directory, then finally giving up and guessing which floor to take the elevator to. No signs, and no one to ask.
I'd stuck all the information I'd gathered into a folder I'd recycled from -- believe it or not -- ninth-grade English class. (Last summer, as I was digging through the boxes of stuff that used to be in storage at my parents' house, I tossed the old homework assignments and kept the office supplies.) It was a little weird to feel the thickness of all that data crammed into the space that used to hold a semester's worth of journal assignments, but it was strangely appropriate too. Replace one narrative with, in essence, another even more intimate: blood counts and other analyses set in order like entries in a diary.
To my relief, I'd guessed correctly, and the elevator opened into the foyer of the office I needed. In a few minutes, I was sitting with a lap full of new paperwork.
I couldn't finish it fast enough -- a nurse took me back to a room very shortly. She indicated the examination table and the gown folded at one end, so I got undressed. Hopped up onto the paper liner, folder and forms still in my hands. I was still scribbling when the doctor came in.
"Hi," she said, as she headed for the sink to wash her hands. "I'm Dr. ________, but you can use my first name." She smiled and pulled a rolling stool up to my dangling legs. "What's brought you to our clinic today?"
I held up the paperwork. "I'm sorry; I'm not done with these -- "
"It's okay," she said, taking the forms and my folder, setting them on a chair out of reach. "Tell me what's going on."
I froze. The folder, which held my story, also seemed to have my voice in it. But the doctor was waiting, so I offered the first things I could remember: four specialists, each with their own work-ups, no comprehensive picture. "I need someone who can look at the whole, not just the parts," I said, nodding toward the chair.
She opened the file immediately, eyes widening. As she scanned the contents, I explained when my health problems had begun, trying to get a better beginning, middle, and end established for the fragmented narrative I'd started with. She nodded, taking notes, asking a question here and there to clarify. But for the most part, she listened.
When I was done, she closed her eyes, fingers to her temples, as if she was thinking hard. "This is a lot of information," she said, "and if you're willing to trust me with this, I'd like to keep it for a few days, just to synthesize all of it more thoroughly in my mind. I'm thinking several things right now, but I want to see exactly what's been done and what hasn't so we can put together some next steps."
I nodded. A doctor taking this kind of time before trying to formulate a path to a diagnosis? It was more than I'd hoped for. For the first time in months, I had the sense that I'd found someone who could help. But what kind of follow-up was she envisioning?
"Early next week," she said, eyes seeking mine with a reassuring expression. "I'll be in touch with you with a plan. We're going to get to the bottom of this."
This time, I think I can believe that.
Oh, CT! I hope she's the one! It sounds as if she has a good mix of confidence and humility--all mixed in with thoughtfulness.
My thoughts are with you! (Well, some of my thoughts. The ones that aren't focused on midterms, research papers, my dissertation, and my children). But I have a lot of thoughts to go around, and some have "CT" clearly stamped on them.
Oh my dear fingers crossed that you have found the living answer to your health problems. You described it so well though - I felt like I was in the room with you.
Waiting to hear...
She sounds like a dream! I've had two docs like that over the years. My rheumy is like that. What a joy to have a supportive doc who really takes the time to listen and consider all possibilities before making recommendations. Will be waiting to hear what you hear from her!
Fuck. Look at that folder, girl. You have been through so much.
Sending white light your way and hoping that this doctor can bring you some answers and relief.
Oh, thank goodness. It does appear to be light at the end of the tunnel. It sounds like you finally have someone who really wants to help. Yay! I am so happy that maybe she will have answers, and you can start to feel better.
crossing my fingers and toes that she'll figure it out!
What a relief it must be to have found a physician who seems ready to see you as a sum rather than just parts. I hope she comes through for you - you certainly deserve it!
GEW -- the humility was what really amazed me. She clearly respects what steps the other doctors have taken; at the same time, she does have concerns she wants to address in her own evaluation of things. I think she'll be good at navigating all the opinions and getting additional consults as needed. Which is what I've been hoping for.
And my thoughts are distributed in a similar fashion! Thesis, kitty (who's under the weather too at the moment), crap tons of laundry, what my advisors are thinking since they haven't heard from me in a month ... :P. But I very much enjoy the thoughts stamped with GEW. They tend to make me smile.
FF -- thank you! I had a scene moment. Maybe it's thesis work bleeding over into blogging. I'm supposed to be doing similar things in the chapter I'm trying to put together ...
Sherlock -- still waiting, but it was a HUGE quantity of information she had to digest. I'm glad you have someone who listens and thinks before leaping into the diagnostic void.
TKW -- wouldn't my freshman English teacher wonder? "That's NOT the assignment I gave you, CT. Where's your real homework?"
In all seriousness, though, it looks like more than it is. If it gets us answers, it was worth schlepping that chunk.
SuziCate -- the wheels are finally in motion, it seems. I can't wait to hear her insights. At this point, I think I have the patience of a two-year-old, which is rather unbecoming, but so be it! Hopefully I'll have reason to laugh at myself for that soon.
hgg -- hi again! No kidding, I think I've crossed things that shouldn't even be able to cross in the last week while thinking about this.
Kristen -- I think that is essentially the philosophy of the clinic I was referred to, not just looking at the parts but the whole (you've put it well). Who knew such a place existed all this time! Thanks for the good wishes.
CT, quelle merveilleuse nouvelle ! - to find a doctor who actually wants to read and synthesize what's going on? That's a very hopeful sign. There are some fine physicians. The real dilemma may be in finding them...
It's been about a week since you wrote this. I hope the doctor has gotten back to you, with tangible next steps.
It's the not knowing that is so hard, and not feeling as though you are any closer to an answer.
But this all sounds quite promising. Fingers crossed for you.
BLW, the plan's slowly taking shape. The "getting back" happened late last week through an office assistant; now we wait some more. I'm going to meet face to face with the doctor again so we can talk about the testing she wants to run. So next week is the new target date for more action ...
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