I got in very late last night after traveling for fifteen hours. Left Little U. shortly after 9 a.m. to drop the car off at D's parents' place in Illinois. Had a quick lunch with his mother, then headed to the airport for my 3:30 flight. That ended up being delayed an hour and a half, which made me a teeny bit nervous -- missing my connection would have meant not getting to Seattle until today, and I had a doctor's appointment scheduled this morning (more on that later) -- but I managed to reach Chicago with just enough time to get to the other plane. That was followed by a very long four hours (I got sandwiched between a screaming baby and a lady who snored through the ruckus!), during which I attempted the crossword puzzle in the in-flight magazine to distract myself. Not enormously successful, but given the circumstances, not a surprise. Needless to say, falling into D's open arms when he arrived at the airport was a very, very sweet end to the day. So was coming home to a house whose interiors are beginning to take on the shape of a proper nest. Pictures as we get things set up, I promise!
I haven't had a moment to do anything in that area as I had my second appointment with my endocrinologist this morning, and I'm now at the library since we don't have internet at home yet. The news from the doctor was good and bad -- I'm doing a great job of keeping track of my sugar levels and managing my diet and exercise as he's asked, but there are some new pieces of not-so-great information we received from my last round of tests he ordered in March. Remember that inconvenient little kidney stone incident that happened right before my spring break visit? Well, it turns out that my oxalate and phosphorus levels are off the charts (the former is over 270 units when it's supposed to be under 30 and the latter is over 2100 units when it's supposed to be under 1300). This is nothing to be alarmed about at the moment, but if we want to prevent more stones from forming, those levels must come down. Which means cutting back on tea, instant coffee, nuts, chocolate, and spinach.
D: "But those are staples for you!"
Yeeeeees ....
I can manage the cutting back on chocolate as I wasn't eating much of it to begin with, given the sugar that normally comes with it. But nuts? They're my fallback snack since they're so much lower in carbs than the usual munchies I can't have anymore. And spinach? Grrrr. I do love fresh spinach salads -- guess I'll be switching up my greens. Instant coffee, sigh. The fun flavored kinds were a replacement treat for hot chocolate when this prediabetes thing started up. Time to start brewing the real thing. This isn't exactly a bad change in terms of quality, but when I'm running off to class and need my caffeine quickly --
Oh wait, I won't be running off anywhere for the next year. Mm, okay, that's doable.
As for tea, well, an occasional cup, which is what I tend to drink, will be fine. But I hope that's it on the diet adjustments! Very glad I'm home for good and can get used to all of this in one place.
I'm going to pick up some reading for the next few weeks (all recommendations from professors) since we'll be doing more air travel soon. News on that front as well in the near future.
I wish I was in Seattle, secretly putting housewarming gift outside your door, wherever that door might be! Yay! Happy homecoming. And it's so fabulous that you have TIME ahead of your. I hope you'll share your reading list with us.
Oh, and I was just thinking about new titles for your blog. "This Homantic Life" came to mind, what with the home and all, but I see that it has several potential problems as a title. ;)
I know you're glad that trip's over!! Good job on the blood sugar numbers but sorry to hear you have to make even more adjustments. I have recently had to make some adjustments in diet as well (i.e. give up more stuff I really like that was okay for a while). Oh how I hate air travel. I'll drive two very long days to avoid a 4 hour flight!! Have a great weekend!
Hurrah for you being together and in your new place - I am so happy for you. Boo for the medical results but at least they are monitoring you carefully -shame about the nuts though. Well, shame about it all really.
Good luck with getting through the academic books when there is bound to be so much else you would rather be doing.
Now look, cutting back on (or completely) instant coffee is a treat! A luxury! Life is too short to drink anything else than high quality coffee!
Good to see that you're home! Turns out to be a lot of exclamation marks in this comment!
GEW -- how sweet of you :). I am indeed working on adapting the blog a bit since we're no longer commuting. Once we have internet at home and I don't have to get all my online stuff done at the library, I can focus on that more.
Sherlock -- yes, air travel is something I'll be glad to cut down on! Though this summer is packed with trips (weddings, research, etc.), so I guess it won't really slow down until October. Hope your diet adjustments haven't been too hard to adapt to.
FF -- I'm actually looking forward to the reading. I've been tied up with assigned reading this semester that wasn't particularly relevant to my thesis, so this list will be a nice change.
hgg -- I need good coffee recommendations! I bought a bag from the local grocery that has too sour a finish for my liking. But it does smell lovely while it's brewing.
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