Not the best approach to every problem, but at the moment, it's the only one I have, going into this weekend.
I had some blood tests a month ago that came back abnormal -- liver enzymes elevated. Mind you, these were done right after our housewarming, which was a wine- and beer-soaked event. Instead of my usual one glass of white, I had more like two and a half. You can laugh; I know I'm a lightweight. A little goes a long way. Or so I told myself.
My doctor instructed me to abstain from any alcoholic beverages for two weeks and have the test repeated. So last week, I went in for another blood draw. Yesterday evening, the doctor's office left a message for me that my results came back abnormal again and that I should follow up with my GI specialist, to whom the data would be faxed.
Unfortunately, my GI person is out of town and won't be back till Tuesday, so he won't be able to review the test results till then. Which means I'm now going to try to forget about this little bit of news since there's nothing to be done about it for the next 72 hours.
Good Things I Can Distract Myself With:
- The issue with my lady parts that showed up on the CT scan is a non-issue. Yaaaay.
- Almost Dr. Sis, her boyfriend, and Marketing Sis are arriving on Tuesday and Wednesday for Thanksgiving.
- We got our foster kitty (pictured above) adopted this week.
- We're picking up a new kitty to lavish with affection tomorrow morning.
Oh dear my bloggy friend - I suppose I'm impressed that the medical system is keeping such an eye on you and also a bit dismayed that you seem to have really gone through it over the last couple of years. Is there a history of certain things in your family that is keeping you so diligently on the path to true perfect health. I would have fallen by the wayside long ago with regards to diet.
What an adorable kitten! About the test results -- sometimes ignoring it for a while it the best way to go. You'll have plenty to keep you occupied with the new kitten and the holiday festivities. Wishing you the best and will be looking for updates.
FF -- there is a pretty significant history of diabetes in my family (grandfather, father, three uncles), so that was what sent me straight to an endocrinologist when my sugar tolerance test a year ago came back abnormal. About six months later, the GI symptoms started up, and trying to figure out the cause led to the tests that turned up these new things. Ironically, it was the OB/GYN (whom the GI doctor told me to see after the weirdness on the CT scan) who discovered the liver enzyme problem. So basically, I'm just running around in circles.
Can't say I expect to achieve perfect health given the prediabetes, but it's just good to manage the condition so it doesn't turn into full-blown diabetes. Or at least forestall that event!
Sherlock -- thanks for the good wishes. We are very much looking forward to meeting our new foster kitty. I loved the last one :)
Now that kitty is adorable...nothing like a fresh kitty to love to make time fly.
Although it's probably not flying, is it?
Crossing my fingers that it's nothing to worry about. Please keep us up to date.
That kitty looks very soft! I hope the distraction of loving the new one helps the days go faster.
I'm crossing my fingers that this is nothing serious...please keep us updated!
It's been a busier day than I anticipated, TKW :). So time's moving along better than I thought it would. Our new kitty has us well occupied (and I mean that in a good way). Thanks for the good wishes.
CT, Denial is a great thing when you really need it--and when there isn't much to be done right away. I wish you the best. The new kitty should be a great help! (And maybe some of those bean brownies?)
I find that easy-peasy fiction is also very helpful (I just finished "Her Fearful Symmetry"). And, at night, lying in bed, I try to distract myself by thinking up plots for books that will make me as rich as Stephanie Meyers.
Hope you'll post pics of new kitty!
All excellent ideas, GEW. We didn't make bean brownies, but D and I did try half a bar of low-carb chocolate we found at Trader Joe's. Tasty stuff, especially while snuggled up with a light movie :).
Also, our kitty was given to us because she needs to get over the sniffles (without giving them to the other kitties at the shelter), so I'm tending to her. Helping her feel better is a very good distraction, I've found. Pictures coming soon!
(Sorry I was late getting to your note -- I think I can turn off comment moderation now!)
No problem, CT. I just thought that maybe I'd forgotten to do the word verification or something. Glad you're doing okay! Hope kitty gets over sniffles soon.
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